Mowing Proposal Letter Report

In this assignment, I was told to use another scenario from the textbook. I was to write a mowing proposal for the city of Augusta, Oregon. I had to write the report to where it would be easy to break up and compare to other proposals. I imagined that Augusta was a small town with a committee of people evaluating my proposal. This way I could write more of a sales proposal versus a super formal proposal.

I received an 88 on this assignment. Here are some helpful tips to succeed on this assignment:

  • Consider Your Audience: Imagine that you are the town official reading many proposals for the mowing job. You need to organize the paper to where it is efficient for the reader to compare the proposal to many other proposals. You need to include number figures that are easily comparable to other proposals. Figures like this could include how much you are charging per hour of work.
  • Calm Their Fears: This committee has to make a decision for their entire town. This is a big responsibility. They could have common fears of experience, dependability, over-priced, etc. You need to cover all of these fears and make the committee feel secure in their decision. For example, if they are worried about experience let them know what experience your company has and show pictures of past work.
  • Take Advantage of Early Grading: I know I have said this several times but taking advantage of early grading is the way to succeed. This is the one assignment that I did not use early grading. This is also the first assignment that I received a B as a grade.

One thing I learned from this assignment is how to effectively use visuals. For example, when a student gets their textbook they would much rather get a textbook with many visuals versus all text. Visuals can help a paper be a successful one if they are used appropriately. They can help calm fears, show examples, show important information, etc.

Mowing Proposal

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